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SOZIALE MASKEN    Mixed Technique   70x1


"You might think she’s a crazy-maker, but your heart tells you it’s the kind of crazy you crave or even need."




If you’ve ever really loved a woman, really loved every single aspect of what makes her a woman, then you must have made yourself acquainted with poignance, bravery, fierceness, beauty, and emancipation. You have seen, felt, held, and known beauty which comes in different sizes, shades and forms. It doesn’t matter what role she plays (or played) in your life. She could be your mum, sister, daughter, aunt or wife but they all have one thing in common - they are life-givers and life-changers.


Yes, that’s a fact. 


You might think she’s a diva, but you know deep down that she’s a goddess and you adore her.

You might think she’s a crazy-maker, but your heart tells you it’s the kind of crazy you crave or even need.

You might think it’s tough love, but you know deep down that you rather have it tough and honest, than anything less.


So how do you learn to see beyond all the superficialities and truly embrace the woman - flaws and all? Well, it’s not easy and that we can tell you for sure! 


From what we gathered, it all comes down to vulnerability. It’s all about allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Which is a very difficult thing to do – for both men and women. We have been programmed by society, culture and peergroup not to fully embrace our vulnerability, and not to fully embrace the flaws which make us unique. But if we cannot see beyond the façade we build around ourselves, how can we fully see another person? How can we fully appreciate the beauty radiating from the core of their being?


The good news is that despite all of that, there are still a few people in the world who do see, know, and appreciate women. We have had the privilege to encounter one of them and her name is Teodora Dumitrache. She’s an artist who tries to capture beauty which lies beyond the surface. Her work is about highlighting the aspects of a woman which are usually buried beneath superficialities. In her paintings, she portrays women as diverse, direct, emancipated, beautiful, fierce and strong beings. Her work serves as a reminder of the hidden strengths women possess and also that women can overcome difficulties by tuning into the greater power that lies beneath the surface.

"You might think she’s a crazy-maker, but your heart tells you it’s the kind of crazy you crave or even need."

So the question is: have you ever truly loved a woman? If your answer is yes, then you definitely want to see Teodora Dumitrache’s works. She creates her art with the intention of reminding you of all the aspects of any woman you’ve ever loved.

For more information on this artist, please contact:


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